Some people with inverted nipples can often feel self-conscious and insecure or embarrassed about their bodies. Although it’s a subject that isn’t discussed as often as it should be, nipple corrections are not at all uncommon. Correcting inverted nipples are a quick and simple procedure which may be performed under local anaesthetic.
Inverted nipples occur when the breast ducts are too short or there’s a tightening of the duct’s tissue due to an imbalance in traction between them and the smooth muscle that keeps nipples erect. Alternatively, it could just be that there’s too much connective tissue in the nipple. The cause varies from person to person and can be due to genetics, lactation, pregnancy or trauma. There are also three different grades of inverted nipples:
- Grade 1: The nipples occasionally become everted due to stimuli such as temperature or arousal and can be made to protrude and stay that way, by manipulating them with your fingers. Breastfeeding is usually possible in this case.
- Grade 2: In this case they can also be made to protrude but won’t stay evert without finger pressure. Here breastfeeding can be problematic at times.
- Grade 3: The nipples are completely retracted and cannot be pulled out thanks to physical manipulation. If your nipples are constricted you may not be able to breast feed.